"Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T. menurunkan penyakit dan ubatnya dan menjadikan setiap penyakit pasti ada ubatnya. Maka, berubatlah kalian tapi jangan dengan yang HARAM."-(HR Abu Daud)
Showing posts with label Natural Antibiotics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Antibiotics. Show all posts

Thursday 21 May 2015

Top 10 Natural Antibiotics

Top 10 Natural  Antibiotics by #top10homeremedies:

Antibiotics are medicine used to treat and prevent bacterial infections. When used properly, they can either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause problems like ear infections, stomach problems and several skin issues.

Different types of antibiotics work against different types of bacteria and some type of parasites. Doctors prescribe an antibiotic depending upon the specific germ (bacterium or parasite) that is causing the infection.

However, antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses, such as colds, the flu, most coughs, and sore throats. They also do not work against fungal infections.

Antibiotics have become one of the most over-prescribed medicines today. This is dangerous because overuse and misuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance.

In addition, excess use of antibiotics can kill off normal defense bacteria that live in the bowel and cause side effects like diarrhea, mild stomach upset and nausea.

Hippocrates said,“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” This is so true in terms of overuse of synthetic antibiotics, when there are many natural antibiotics provided by nature.

Many foods act as natural antibiotics and are effective in treating many health issues. Unlike the over-the-counter antibiotics, most natural antibiotics also fight viral and fungal infections. Plus, they do not kill off the ‘good’ bacteria required by the body.

These natural antibiotics alone may not be sufficient for treating serious infections, though. For serious infections like typhoid, tuberculosis and others, it is best to use these natural antibiotics as an adjunct treatment along with the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Make sure you complete the full course of treatment as directed by your doctor; otherwise it may lead to the growth of bacteria and even cause them to become resistant to drugs, resulting in more serious illness.